The Sabiha Fund
-everyone deserves a doula-
was a sweet baby girl who could not stay in this world. Her name means, among other things, "a beauty that touches many." Her parents decided to celebrate her life and the gifts she gave them by giving to others. Because they believe so strongly in a woman's right to choose her own birthing scenario, doula accessibility, and supporting family friendly birth culture, they decided this program should be the beneficiary. To honour their patronage and their journey, it is with deepest respect that we have named "The Sabiha Fund."
is a doula care subsidy program for families in need of financial assistance. Anyone experiencing financial need may apply to the Sabiha Fund, proposing the contribution they could conceivably make towards doula fees. If your application is accepted, the DCNL will match that amount from the Sabiha Fund and help pair you up with the best doula for you according to present availability.
The Sabiha Fund is fueled entirely by donations from generous community partners just like you. Give today, to share a gift that will radiate outwards to local expectant parents and make a profound impact on their lives. Here's to quality support for all parents, during childbirth and beyond!
*Applications are closed at this time due to low funds; if you would like to donate please click the link below*
The Sahiba Fund